Are you looking for online career counselling course in Pune? Do you want live training by expert trainer in Pune? Here is the best career counselling course in Pune.
Certified career analyst is a leading program for Career counselling Courses. The course will be delivered by best career counselling trainers in the industry, which leads to an unparalleled learning experience. Curriculum is most comprehensive and cover all the new age career counselling techniques. Complete training is divided across 15+ Modules and 80+ sub sections. Post completion of the course and exam, candidate will be awarded with certified career analyst certification, highly recognized in India and Globally.
If You are in Pune and looking for career counselling course, You should know about Below Facts.
Market size for career assessment and guidance is over INR 5,000 crore in India alone and continues to increase.
In the last 10 years, 42.5 % of the corporate employees in India suffer from anxiety or depression due to wrong career choices. All they need career Counselling
After NEP 2020, the demand of career counselling is expected to increase multi folds
India needs 1.4 million career counsellors for 350+ million youth population. Currently, we have less than 10,000 professionally trained career counsellors
Career counselling course in Pune can act as your stepping stone towards building a successful career in career counselling. Professional certification courses in career counselling allows you to learn and master the entire landscape of career counselling and psychometric assessments. This course will teach you all the fundamental concepts of applied career counselling, psychometric analysis, career assessment platform and counselling related business concepts.
Online Career counselling course and certification will increase the credibility and reach considering the shortage of career counsellors in Pune. When you combine career counselling course and certification with career assessment platform, your market value increases.
Certified Career Analyst is excellent career counselling course in Pune offered by Edumilestones . This course is especially designed for aspiring career counsellors. Apart from detailed curriculum delivered by expert trainer, every participant will also get handholding and industry leading career counselling platform to set up career counselling business in Pune.
Career counselling course is unique and spans anywhere between 1-3 months. The course are divided into 15 modules comprising of applied career counselling concepts, case studies, assignments covering wide range of report interpretations for students, graduates and professionals.
Certified analyst has bundled all the 12 key essentials required to become a successfull career counsellor under one platform.
Career counselling is an emerging field and from last 10 years’ demand of career counselling is increased multiple folds. To become a career counsellor only certificate is not enough. You need to have strong passion towards contributing for the society, constant learning ability and understanding of career counselling concept.
Here are the simple 4 Steps to become a career counsellor in Pune.
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